Ohio Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Handbook: 2024 Edition

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LAST RELEASE DATE April 25, 2024
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Ohio Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Handbook: 2024 Edition

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Features the full text of Ohio’s Crimes and Procedure Law (Title 29); plus relevant selected provisions of the motor vehicle law (Title 45); and hundreds of other statutes relating to the administration of law enforcement and criminal justice. This book also includes Search and Seizure Law, with coverage of Arrests, Confessions, and Privacy Expectations, which provides a clear and comprehensive approach to the study of modern constitutional criminal procedure.

The Ohio Criminal Law and Motor Vehicle Handbook features the full text of Ohio’s Crimes and Procedure Law (Title 29), plus relevant selected provisions of the Motor Vehicle Law (Title 45); Health and Safety (Title 37); Juvenile Law provisions (Title 21); Domestic Relations (Title 31); along with the Rules of Criminal and Juvenile Procedure; and Search and Seizure Law, with coverage of Arrests, Confessions, and Privacy Expectations, which provides a clear and comprehensive approach to the study of modern constitutional criminal procedure. It analyzes the classical and current United States Supreme Court and federal circuit court decisions, along with relevant state court decisions that impact the day-to-day duties of law enforcement and criminal justice professionals.  Search and Seizure Law removes the guesswork in, and tedious search for, “today’s law.” Search and Seizure Law is an officer’s, attorney’s or law/criminal justice student’s or professor’s valuable reference for the Laws of Arrest, Confessions, and Privacy Expectations.

(Table of Contents from 2023 edition. For informational purposes only)

Search and Seizure Law, with coverage of Arrests, Confessions, and Privacy Expectations

General Provisions

Title 1—State Government

Title 3—Counties

Title 5—Townships

Title 7—Municipal Corporations

Title 9—Agriculture — Animals — Fences

Title 15—Conservation of Natural Resources

Title 21—Courts — Probate — Juvenile

Title 23—Courts — Common Pleas

Title 27—Courts — General Provisions — Special Remedies

Title 29—Crimes — Procedure

Chapter 2901–General Provisions, §§ 2901.01 to 2901.45

Chapter 2903–Homicide and Assault, §§ 2903.01 to 2903.37

Chapter 2905–Kidnapping and Extortion, §§ 2905.01 to 2905.44

Chapter 2907–Sex Offenses, §§ 2907.01 to 2907.48

Chapter 2909–Arson and Related Offenses, §§ 2909.01 to 2909.34

Chapter 2911–Robbery, Burglary, Trespass and Safecracking, §§ 2911.01 to 2911.73

Chapter 2913–Theft and Fraud, §§ 2913.01 to 2913.82

Chapter 2915–Gambling, §§ 2915.01 to 2915.40

Chapter 2917–Offenses Against the Public Peace, §§ 2917.01 to 2917.47

Chapter 2919–Offenses Against the Family, §§ 2919.01 to 2919.272

Chapter 2921–Offenses Against Justice and Public Administration, §§ 2921.01 to 2921.52

Chapter 2923–Conspiracy, Attempt, and Complicity; Weapons Control; Corrupt Activity, §§ 2923.01 to 2923.99

Chapter 2925–Drug Offenses, §§ 2925.01 to 2925.64

Chapter 2927–Miscellaneous Offenses, §§ 2927.01 to 2927.27

Chapter 2929–Penalties and Sentencing, §§ 2929.01 to 2929.72

Chapter 2930–Victim’s Rights, §§ 2930.01 to 2930.19

Chapter 2931–Jurisdiction; Venue, §§ 2931.01 to 2931.32

Chapter 2933–Peace Warrants; Search Warrants, §§ 2933.01 to 2933.831

Chapter 2935–Arrest, Citation, and Disposition Alternatives, §§ 2935.01 to 2935.36

Chapter 2937–Preliminary Examination; Bail, §§ 2937.01 to 2937.99

Chapter 2938–Trial–Magistrate Courts, §§ 2938.01 to 2938.15

Chapter 2939–Grand Juries, §§ 2939.01 to 2939.29

Chapter 2941–Indictment, §§ 2941.01 to 2941.63

Chapter 2943–Arraignment; Pleas, §§ 2943.01 to 2943.10

Chapter 2945–Trial, §§ 2945.01 to 2945.832

Chapter 2947–Judgment; Sentence, §§ 2947.01 to 2947.31

Chapter 2949–Execution of Sentence, §§ 2949.01 to 2949.36

Chapter 2950–Sex Offender Registration and Notification, §§ 2950.01 to 2950.99

Chapter 2951–Probation, §§ 2951.01 to 2951.13

Chapter 2953–Appeals; Other Post-Conviction Remedies, §§ 2953.01 to 2953.84

Chapter 2961–Disfranchised Convicts; Habitual Criminals, §§ 2961.01 to 2961.24

Chapter 2963–Extradition, §§ 2963.01 to 2963.35

Chapter 2965–Pardon; Parole [Repealed]

Chapter 2967–Pardon; Parole; Probation, §§ 2967.01 to 2967.31

Chapter 2969–Recovery of Offender’s Profits Fund; Crime Victims Recovery Fund, §§ 2969.01 to 2969.27

Chapter 2971–Sentencing of Sexually Violent Predators, §§ 2971.01 to 2971.07

Chapter 2981–Forfeiture Law, §§ 2981.01 to 2981.14

Title 31—Domestic Relations — Children

Chapter 3113–Neglect, Abandonment, or Domestic Violence

Title 33—Education — Libraries

Title 37—Health — Safety — Morals

Chapter 3719–Controlled Substances, §§ 3719.01 to 3719.99

Chapter 3735–Metropolitan Housing Authority; Community Reinvestment Areas, §§ 3735.27 to 3735.311

Chapter 3743–Fireworks, §§ 3743.01, 3743.59 to 3743.70, 3743.80, 3743.99

Chapter 3761–Assemblies; Mobs, §§ 3761.12, 3761.16, 3761.99

Chapter 3773–Boxing; Discharging Firearms; Dueling, §§ 3773.06, 3773.99

Chapter 3796–Medical Marijuana Control Program, §§ 3796.01 to 3796.30

Title 39—Insurance

Title 43—Liquor

Title 45—Motor Vehicles — Aeronautics — Watercraft

Chapter 4501–Motor Vehicles—Definitions; General Provisions, §§ 4501.01 to 4501.81

Chapter 4503–Licensing of Motor Vehicles, §§ 4503.01 to 4503.99

Chapter 4504–Local Motor Vehicle License Tax, §§ 4504.01 to 4504.22

Chapter 4505–Certificate of Motor Vehicle Title Law, §§ 4505.01 to 4505.99

Chapter 4506–Commercial Driver’s Licensing, §§ 4506.01 to 4506.99

Chapter 4507–Driver’s License Law, §§ 4507.01 to 4507.99

Chapter 4508–Driver Training Schools, §§ 4508.01 to 4508.99

Chapter 4509–Financial Responsibility, §§ 4509.01 to 4509.99

Chapter 4510–Driver’s License Suspension, Cancellation, Revocation, §§ 4510.01 to 4510.73

Chapter 4511–Traffic Laws — Operation of Motor Vehicles, §§ 4511.01 to 4511.991

Chapter 4513–Traffic Laws — Equipment; Loads, §§ 4513.01 to 4513.99

Chapter 4515–Venue; Guest Statute, §§ 4515.01 to 4515.11

Chapter 4517–Motor Vehicle Dealers, Auction Owners, and Salespersons, §§ 4517.01 to 4517.99

Chapter 4519–Special Vehicles, §§ 4519.01 to 4519.99

Chapter 4521–Local, Noncriminal Parking Infractions, §§ 4521.01 to 4521.10

Chapter 4549–Motor Vehicle Crimes, §§ 4549.01 to 4549.99

Chapter 4551–Transportation of Christmas Trees, §§ 4551.01 to 4551.99

Title 47—Occupations — Professions

Title 49—Public Utilities

Title 51—Public Welfare

Title 55—Roads — Highways — Bridges

Rules of Criminal Procedure

Rules of Evidence

Rules of Juvenile Procedure

Traffic Rules

Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio


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